A little Deeper Seeing

Really feeling this Mercury direct in Leo, which happened 2 days ago. Mercury is communication and Leo is ruler of the heart. Witnessing such clear communication and heart sharing in my movie. Very sweet.
Just came out of 7 day retreat. So many beings doing such deep work to free themselves. Such an honor to be in this sacred space with this family.
A little bit deeper seeing into Truth...
During one of our long breaks between Satsangs, I had been meditating many hours and got up to go pee. Looking in the mirror and seeing these eyes that looked back but there was just this vacant body with eyes, which had no life, but there I was, this awareness everywhere, watching this creature watch itself in the mirror.
A few days later..
After more rooting in this feeling that never changes, this ever present awareness, there was a seeing that this whole matrix including Trista is a 5 dimensional digital projection.
Laying in bed next to Arjuna, both of us just silent and meditating, the thing that never changes was in the foreground, and I could feel that the body and personality I call me and the body/mind I was laying next to, Arjuna, was a lifeless program just rolling along. Nothing more than a digital projection of thoughts, sensations, sounds, emotions, all coming from and returning to the silence, and what was watching it was ME, the one who is giving life to this program but not affected by any of it. The one who is everywhere, always here. The one who will be here when this program Ends.
This, the refuge I've been searching for. Home. Nurturing this. Returning to this. Again and again, until I know it to be me 100%.
And the more this is nurtured, the more the heart continues to purge, with heart ache, and tears and body shakes, and crazy sounds coming out the throat. And then more Love, Joy, and Connection is felt in the aftermath.
No one and nothing can touch who we truly are. Amen! Hallelujah!


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