Finding Sovereignty in a Chaotic World

What does it mean to be a sovereign being when there is no such thing as a chooser or do-oer? 

After a powerful shamanic hypnotherapy session with Randy Hold where he helped me establish for myself that I am a sovereign being, I found myself pondering what this actually means this morning in meditation. This is the answer that came through from myself for myself. And perhaps for you.

One - with - my - Self

Connecting to and aligned with an inner authority that is informing the life. This quiet voice inside is what many call intuition. It is an umbilical cord of light which connects your multidimensional self. It reaches down from Source into your soul through the 7 bodies of your human form and straight into your human heart. It is the only navigation system that you need and it is crucial that you strengthen this inner authority as we move forward into these chaotic times on the planet. Those who do not have this alignment with their inner navigation system will spin further into darkness and fear. Those who work on finding this inner authority through the healing of their emotional bodies will be guided perfectly and gracefully through these times. 

This authority within, which is the mechanism of sovereignty, has been abandoned, silenced and ignored for lifetimes and is coming back online more and more as you allow the unraveling of your karma to unfold. Using your freewill and the only actual choice that you have; which is to stay contracted in your egoic self or to keep returning your attention to your heart, to that feeling which is everywhere, to the stillness of your being. This choice is what allows the purging of karma, where the dense frequencies of trauma can arise and be seen, heard, felt and alchemized in the light of Truth. In this simple choice, you are choosing to do the work and you are re-establishing this connection with your inner authority consciously and courageously. This allows the cord of light to grow brighter and stronger and clearer.

The clearer it becomes, the greater the tests and challenges come to help you recognize and heal where you are still looking outside yourself. Where you are still caught in the illusion that there is anything other than You. Most players in the dream still believe it is real and so there are many situations in which you will be tested.

People and situations will arise which will give you the opportunity to slow down and check in with yourself before taking action. There’s nothing more important in this dream than You! Nothing in the world takes precedence over you taking the time to listen to and follow your heart. It isn’t always easy as the mind tries to be much louder than this intuitive knowing. To recognize and cherish yourself above all else, this is what strengthens your inner authority so you can know you have everything you need within you. This recognition in you and within each being is what will shift the collective consciousness from one of separation to one of Love and connection. 

When you recognize yourself as sovereign unto yourself, as a light unto yourself, then you can play in the dream as your character freely, trusting in the movements that come through your vehicle. This trust allows a deeper relaxation which allows a deeper resting in the silence, in your Self, that which is untouched by the dream, that which is never born and never dies, that which is the happiness and love that the character is searching for. And this deeper relaxation frees the character even more until you can no longer be caught in the illusion that the dream has anything to do with you.

All true answers, solutions, movements, words come from this inner authority. When this connection with our sovereignty gets very strong, the movements of the character get more aligned with higher Truth rather than movements from conditioning. Movements from conditioning are done to keep the character feeling safe, they are innocent and yet they can be seen for what they are and transcended. These are movements that come from shoulds and have tos. They are movements that come from a sense of wanting to be special, wanting to have power and control, wanting to be of service, needing my life to look a certain way, not wanting to upset anyone, wanting to perform for others to get the love, and wanting to keep busy and distracted to avoid the uncomfortable feelings that have been ignored for so long. The movements are from conditioning that has kept you away from your soveirgnty for way too long. 

When your sovereignty comes back online, as it is now because you have done so much work to free your karma, it is important to remember that the character will be moved in ways that can be seen as controversial to others. There will be movements and words that do not always appear loving or nice. But as you have seen so clearly, there are no mistakes in God’s play, and what appears not loving is actually the most loving thing for everyone involved, including yourself. If love is the fabric of existence and it is the only real thing, how can there be anything or anyone out of alignment with Love. Whatever challenges are coming up in your movie, whether it is physical, emotional, relational, or mental, it is all there to bring you closer and closer to knowing your true Self and honoring your own sovereignty. It is all there to bring you Home. You are coming Home. 


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