Full Moon Lunar Eclipse November 2021; Transcending mediocrity by being booted out of our comfort zone.

Eclipse at 27° Taurus in Gate 8 

Here are some flavors of this eclipse from the Gene Key and Human Design perspective.

Eclipses are when a new moon or full moon is conjunct the nodal axis. The nodes travel through each sign for about 18 months and point to the themes of evolution that are playing on a collective and personal level. A Lunar Eclipse is like a full moon on steroids bringing culminations, endings and activations that can bring big changes in our lives whether we are ready for them or not. It can be quite emotional as letting go of the past and stepping out of our comfort zone is never easy so be extra gentle on yourself as the body and mind can be releasing a lot of old energy in the form of pain, anxiety, fear etc.

Mars in Scorpio is opposite Uranus in this eclipse mix. This is a classic signature that brings earth shaking events, secrets or news to the surface (literally and metaphorically). This could be news about money and the financial system or supply chain as well since Uranus is in Taurus. These sudden events can nudge or shove us out of our comfort zones and help us face any fears or emotional energy blocks that are preventing us from moving into the direction of our soul’s destiny.

There could be some painful changes or sensitive triggers in your life during this time (we are no stranger to these by now). Could be the ending of a relationship (consider Venus is in the mix), the death of a dear one, a natural disaster, an accident, a sudden windfall of financial gain, a sudden shift in job position. Whatever comes, know that the Mother/Father God Creator is loving and kind and is offering the most potent experience to help your soul grow and discover the strength, light, love and wisdom inside of your heart.
This eclipse is happening in Gene Key 8, (27° Taurus) named the “Diamond of the Self”.

In the human design graph this is located in the individual circuit and is connected with the throat center. It has to do with our unique expression and the contribution we’re here to make so this eclipse could bring some powerful energy to get going in the direction of your goals and dreams or to speak up and express what you believe in. However pace yourself as the coming energies are also purging whatever’s in the way of our highest self expression and we will need to take time and space to feel and alchemize these as well.

Below I have taken some quotes from Richard Rudd’s Gene Keys book to give you a sense of the shadow and gift frequencies of the gene keys that are a part of this eclipse. There is a shifting back and forth between the shadow and gift frequencies until we have done enough work and cleared out enough density to be anchored in the gift.
(There are 64 hexagrams in the ancient I-Ching which was written around 1000 BC. Each one of the hexagrams is called a Gate in the Human Design system. Richard Rudd, after learning and imbibing the human design system, then received downloads in which he named each gate a Gene Key and he describes the shadow, gift and siddhi frequency of each one. His Book “Gene Keys” carries a beautiful transmission that can bring awareness and activate the higher frequencies of your own gene keys when reading and contemplating it. You can get it here.)

Gene Key 8 - “Diamond of the Self” 
Mediocrity; Beyond the Comfort Zone

“The 8th Shadow, like all the Shadow frequencies, is founded upon a specific fear and in this case it is the fear of being different. The 8th Shadow prevents individuals from rising out of the mass consciousness and exploring the real adventure of life. The true nature of individuality is rebellion, but rebellion is unsafe, so the mass consciousness of humanity chooses the illusion of security instead.” “Mediocrity is defined by others rather than by yourself and mediocrity has two main functions. Firstly, it keeps you from thinking outside the box. Under the influence of this low frequency you think like everyone else, look like everyone else and more or less behave like everyone else, and you will do this based on what others may or may not think about you. The second function of Mediocrity is to serve the machinery of society rather than evolution. In other words, you become a cog in the wheel of the systems established by man. In so doing, you become a part of the background of life rather than a major player. Mediocrity prevents people from being heroes or heroines.”
“The 8th Shadow makes you a follower of outside authorities. It even marries you to systems that then become your authorities.”

“Only when life forces you to grow, through some kind of crisis or the death of a loved one, for example, do you come to experience your true nature outside the borders of this comfort zone.”

“One of the deep fears emerging from the 8th Gene Key is the fear of success. This fear is reinforced through its programming partner, the 14th Shadow of Compromise. You compromise your dreams not because you fear you will fail, but because you know that to succeed you will have to rebel against the whole of society and its expectations of you. You fear what you might become because you do not know who you are."

Gift Frequency
Style; A Rebel with a Cause

“Style is more than skin deep. It is the cutting edge of creation itself.”

“When the 8th Gift is released from inside your DNA, you suddenly begin to make things happen, and it may seem to you as though the rest of the world is simply stuck inside a dream world.”

“This is the by-product of operating at a higher frequency. Now anything becomes possible for you because in yielding to your inner spirit, the sheer force of creativity that comes through you frees up channels and opportunities that were previously blocked.”

“Individuals manifesting this Gift have surrendered themselves to a creative process that controls them, rather than them controlling it. Creativity can be a thankless business. Oftentimes an individual is so ahead of his or her own time that their uniqueness is not appreciated until after their death. However, the sense of expansive freedom that comes from letting go into such a process is so fulfilling that success or failure is no longer a major driving force or consideration in their lives.”

South Node is conjunct Vesta in Gate 34 (1° Sagittarius) - in the Sacral Center. Bringing a spirit of devotion to letting go of the old ways we use our energy, letting go of needing to effort, trying hard and forcing things to happen. These are rooted in the old masculine paradigm which goes against the natural rhythms of our life that we will be connecting with as the north node move through Taurus. Are you exhausted yet? There is an intelligence within the body that is here to help us re-orient and help us get involved in only those things and people that are correct for us. When energy is being used in alignment with the core of your being, everything becomes like play, effortless and flowing. Your efficiency, creativity and motivation will reach a peak levesl like never before.

And the North Node at 1° Gemini is in Gate 20 in the Throat Center - “As you begin to accept that life has its own plans and flow, you also begin to stop interfering with the process at a mental level. No technique can lead to this Gift — only life itself can show you how to let go. This Gift is in fact the precursor to a higher state of spiritual awareness. You begin to discover that decisions in life simply get made, so there is really no point in agonising over them.”

The Ruler of this eclipse is Venus and it’s in Gate 38 (12° Capricorn) in the emotional or solar plexus center.

Gene Key 38 “The Warrior of Light” 

This is asking us to contemplate and feel for ourselves, what is really worth fighting for? Are you projecting your anger and frustration with the world or your life onto others or yourself? Or can you find the humility to look within and begin to heal the pain inside your own heart, body and mind. This inner work is the only thing that can transform your outer life most profoundly and permanently.

Struggle; A Fight without a Purpose

“It is there in the collective energy field of humanity, and it is particularly strong when certain groups of human beings are threatened by other groups, manifesting strongly through its aggressive reactive side. This 38th Shadow likes and needs a fight, and the nature of this fight is dependent upon its frequency. At a low frequency, this Shadow fights with others, with itself or with life itself. It is after all called the Shadow of Struggle.”

“At the deepest level, struggle maintains the illusion of your separate identity. As long as you can fight, you can remain in control of your environment. This reflects the greatest human fear — if there is nothing left to fight for, you may cease to exist. “

“Other than the absolute necessity of living out your true purpose, there is a great secret to breaking the addictive patterns of struggle embodied in this 38th Gene Key: Simply take a breath. Struggle is a pattern that locks you into a certain breath pattern that makes you totally forget yourself, as well as rendering you deaf to all outside influence. It is as though an outside force has you in its possession and forces you to keep banging your head (or someone else's) against a wall. The moment you take a breath and pause, the pattern is broken and a space arises in which you can reorient your energies. At low frequencies, the tighter you hang on to things, the more resistance you create. By providing gaps in the pattern, you enable transformations to occur, and it is usually in these gaps that the answer to the struggle is resolved.”

Perseverance; The Indomitable Spirit of the Underdog

The 38th Gift invites you to transcend your separateness through your individuality by means of serving a goal beyond yourself.

“There are warriors in the business world, warriors in government and education as well as in the sciences and arts. Wherever there is a fight for a higher purpose especially against insurmountable odds, there you will find the 38th Gift stretching itself to its limits. Where the 38th Shadow is always fighting out of fear, and usually for survival, the 38th Gift fights for love.”

“The 38th Gift does not think about what it is doing. It does not stop to consider how foolish its behaviour may appear. It simply knows in its heart when something is right and once it has committed its full energy to its appointed task it will never, never back down. Even so, this does not mean that such people are beyond fear, because they are not. However, the frequency of the Gift level ensures that love always wins over fear.”

Pluto is in Gate 61 making a channel of awareness with Uranus in Gate 24 and Mars opposite this energy, there can be downloads of inspiration and insight cycling with periods of melancholy, confusion and in the extreme can be psychosis and mental breakdown. These cycles are inherent in the individual creative and awakening process.

The Eclipse is Squaring Jupiter in Gene Key 49 (24° Aquarius) making a channel with Saturn in Gate 19 - the Channel of Synthesis

Gene Key 49 - The Gate of Revolution - (Saturn moves into this gate in March 2022) - 
This could bring insight into how we are reacting to our fears of rejection (about stepping into our creative gifts or in relationships) or could bring the shadow frequency of a continued pattern of rejecting others first or shutting down when feeling threatened. With Saturn in Gate 19 there is a hyper sensitive vibe in the air. Be gentle with yourself.

This could also be looking for those contracts we want to make, the partnerships that we can solidify that will help us make our creative contribution to the revolution of consciousness that is here now.

This gate speaks about the most tender place in the hearts of humanity as a whole. It is rooted in childhood and many lifetimes of having been rejected or abandoned. Have compassion for yourself and others as we work through this deepest pain of separation. We are moving towards unity consciousness, it’s written in the stars, it may just look messy and chaotic for a while while many wounds and shadows of humanity are triggered. More people will be doing the shadow work simply because they will be suffering so deeply. Suffering is a gift because it breaks us down to be willing to feel and heal.

“As long as you see your own people as good and others as evil, you remain a prisoner of the 49th Shadow.”

“We are learning not to react to our fear of rejection, and this fear is losing its grip on us. The new awareness that is coming will give us a physical and emotional knowing that we are interconnected through our auric field and that there is no possibility of rejection or abandonment. Our sensitivity will become incredibly refined. This will change everything — in our societies and our individual lives, but most of all, in our relationship to each other. Once the trigger of awakening within the 49th Shadow has been activated, which is now beginning, the process will precipitate a chain reaction — a genetic whirlwind that will shake the bedrock of human civilization to its roots.“

Lots of love to you on your Journey Home. 


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