Human Design Manifestor - 9 years into my experiment

Trista - 6/2 Splenic Manifestor - 41 years old

Today is the day I was initiated into human design 9 years ago in 2010 by John Martin. I haven't talked about it with anyone for a very long time as I realized part of the awakening process is letting go of every idea of who you think you are. But a few weeks ago, I ran into a woman in Tiruvannamalai, India who gave me a quick reading and re-ignited something inside.

Besides reminding me and encouraging me to step into the full expression of this powerful aura I have, she told me to speak. She told me I'm here to bring spirituality to my tribe. That feels true, and there is so much more grounding in reality that needs to happen before I can be a teacher.

A few days later my beloved came across another message from a random stranger who knew I had a mole on my breast in the exact place that it was, and he said to speak. And then a couple days ago a friend did a spontaneous healing on me with my de-ceased father and she removed an implant in the back of my neck which was blocking my throat chakra. And so here I am, feeling this throat chakra opening as Uranus moves into Taurus in my 10th house and Chiron moves out of Aries. Sharing again after a few years of going into deep silence and burning with the occasional blog post. The process is not complete as there is much to still burn away. The pull into the silence gets stronger as my heart grows brighter. And the journey Home continues. There's no doubts, my destiny is very simple, to know I am Free, to remember who I am, Pure LOVE, Joy and Happiness. And to remember this is your destiny too!


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